Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Final Project

On this assigment, I had a hard time at first. I couldn't think of things that rhymed with world that I could shoot. So I came up with these things: The first picture is of a mobile. It twirled (world-- twirled) in circles. The second picture is of my sock drawer. The socks are furled which means to roll up ;) . The third is of the tire swing in my backyard. It whirls around in circles if you twirl it up. The next one is a doorknob. To open a door, you must "twirl" the doorknob ;) . The next picture is of CRAZY STRAWS :))) and it twists and turns and twirls into this shape. The last picture is probably my personal favorite. It's of my sister sucking a lollipop that swirls. It's meant to be blurry and soft, because the background looks way cool if I moved the camera. This picture makes me happy :)
I liked being able to choose my project, even though it was hard trying to decide what to shoot. I couldn't decide at first. My first idea was to shoot signs. I thought that would be boring to me, so I decided on shooting things that rhyme with world. I wanted to shoot a lot of things that I wasn't able to on account of lack of time :( but I still got it done. When I first started thinking of things to take pictures of, I was thinking very and I was thinking of spinner tops that twirled and big poofy skirts, which would have been fun, but I didn't have any of those things, so I had to settle with these objects.
This project taught me to think outside the box... a little. It taught me to be creative and I had to think hard on about what to shoot. So it taught me to take way more time and think harder. I liked it. I also learned how to get creative with a tripod :)))

1 comment:

Slade said...

Hey, where's your assignment #5, the re-shoot?